“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

God wants us in His forever fellowship. That’s why He sent His only Son Jesus to the cross to pay our sin penalty and be raised from the dead so all who turn from their sins to faith in Christ as Lord, truly devoting their hearts and lives to Him, are forgiven and given an everlasting relationship with Christ that we couldn’t otherwise have because of our sins and His holiness.

He not only wants us in His fellowship. He wants us close to Him. Near to Him. In His presence. Communing with Him. Speaking to Him. Hearing from Him. Experiencing Him. Enjoying Him. Learning from Him. In pursuit of Him. Passionately. Adoring Him. Adoringly. Worshiping Him. Praising Him. Growing in His image. Following Him. Revering Him. Obeying Him. Honoring Him. Being in close company with Him. Drawing closer and closer to Him.

What, or whom, is your greatest passion in life? Is it Jesus? He is to be our first love. And how we spend our everyday lives will reveal if our greatest passion is the Lord – or not.

Do you need to make some changes, friend? Or can you honestly say the Lord Jesus Christ is your highest priority? Your greatest love? And the one to whom more than anything or anyone you desire to draw close and closer still?

Draw near, my friend! To the Lord! Oh, draw near! Oh, how I encourage you. Draw near to the Lord!